Until recently, pregnant women in Northern Ireland were often left without their partners at baby scans. But the Health Minister Robin Swann has announced that he will allow couples to be accompanied at these appointments from next week.
You can take your partner along to some appointments if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19, but you will need to follow public health advice when visiting. You will need to wear a face mask during the appointment and you should make sure that your hands are clean at all times.
Can partners attend baby scans Northern Ireland?
A pregnancy ultrasound scan is an essential part of pregnancy care. They can help to detect conditions that could affect the baby. They can also show when the baby is due or if there is a need for further tests.
Your maternity team will inform you how long the scan takes and if you need to return to the hospital for further tests or care Ultrasound Belfast. Some antenatal appointments may be carried out over the phone or online to help keep costs down and reduce your travel.
Visits on antenatal wards are allowed daily for one hour from two people from each household. The duration and timing of these visits will be agreed with the midwife in charge.
Visiting during labour is allowed for up to three hours. This includes if you are having a caesarean section or your baby is being transferred to the postnatal ward.